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Casa Peustenea

Rural house for 8 + 1 people in Leitza, Navarra

Welcome to Peustenea. This is a beautiful country guesthouse located in the heart of the historical centre of Leitza, in a very quiet area, some metres away from the square. It is a more than 200-year-old house which is full of history. It has been restored to continue offering a good service in order to meet the current requirements.

Ground floor:
There is a spacious and comfortable area with a fully equipped kitchen, the dining room, a bathroom, a double room and the living room with a f...

Our equipment

Cared decoration
Pets (consult)
TV in living room


Price and availability for 8 + 1 people
Whole week:700€1.000€
Noche Adicional:110€110€
Una Noche:180€200€
Cama supletoria/noche:15€15€
* In order to confirm a reservation, 20 % of the total price must be paid in advance.
In this area, traditions and Basque culture have been well preserved. Throughout the year there are many celebrations and sports and cultural activities. At the beginning of the year you can enjoy the Carnival. In May, there is the cultural cycle and the Artisan's Fair held on the last Sunday of the month. In June, you will enjoy the Day of the Cider and Saint John's bonfires. In August, there are the local holidays, with a variety of rural sports such as harrijasotzailes and aizkolaris, as well as typical dances.

You can visit San Sebastián and savor its famous pintxos or spend a day at the beach. You can also visit Pamplona, where the well-known San Fermin festival takes place.

Otherwise, if you are looking for relax, you will find the calm of a village of 3000 inhabitants, but with all the services you may need. In our comfortable house you can spend the afternoon chatting or playing board games around the fireplace.

Our environment

Rural house for 8 + 1 people in Leitza, Navarra
Population where is the homonymous town hall which has five more village in the region of Lerizarán, 38 km from Pamplona. The beech forests are the most extensive ones, especially in the central are of its term. There are some islands of oaks, as well as pure ash forests, also pine forests have been stocked, Larch Japan, etc. Its town hall is from the XVIII century and it was rebuilt in 1917, with gallery of nine arches on the ground floor. In the term there is the dolmen station of Aritz-Ireber specially the dolmens Bioztain I and II. The parish of San Miguel has a Latin cross with chapels between the buttresses and Baroque altarpiece in its masonry. There are three ashlar stone bridges and just one eye on the Leizarán stream, and a small bridge above the Erroizte stream. The circular dance Ingurutxo is kept in the patronal party of San Tiburcio, 11th of August. Leitzaes is also known by its elite sporty people and its park-museum dedicated to the stone, Peru-Harri.

Nearby places to visit

Peru-Harri. Parque de la Piedra
a 1 km.
Stone museum made by Iñaki Perurene in the mountain, 2 km from Leitza firection to Uitzi. A unique museum where Iñaki and his son Inaxio tell myths, history and culture in stone, like a giant of 40 tons.
Pico Txindoki
a 15 km.
Visible desde muchos los puntos del País Vasco, es el referente de la sierra de Aralar. Su alfilado pico de caliza y su arista, emblemática resulta para los alpinistas y amantes de la escalada.
Santuario San Miguel de Aralar
a 15 km.
It is one of the most famous spiritual centers of Navarre. It is a Romanesque temple with three naves and three apses located at the top of the mountain chain of Aralar, from where a spectacular view can be seen. If the sanctuary is ...
Molino de Zubieta
a 15 km.
It is one of the places where the time has stopped. It was built in 1785 as a real mill and nowadays is an active eco-museum. Its miller still uses his hands and utensils to grind the wheat and the corn, and you can make your own cake.
Finca de Artikutza
a 18 km.
The farm of Artikutza is a natural enclave of 3,800 hectares with lots of animals, many of them are endangered, and over six million of beech and oak. And there is a reservoir.
Robledal de Orgi
a 23 km.
Ancient forest, the only witness of secular oak wet Navarre with great ecological interest. Natural Recreation Area with reception areas, rides and conservation. A unique landscape that always amazes visitors.
Parque Natural Señorío de Bertiz
a 26 km.
A fabulous botanical garden with blackbirds, squirrels and seven species of woodpeckers stand out in this Natural Park along the western Pyrenees of Navarre next to the river Bidasoa with large trees and well preserved in the term Oieregi.
Parque de Pagoeta y Ferreria de Agorregi
a 26 km.
El molino hidráulico, sus grandes fuelles y el mazo de ferrería eran el modo de producir hierro antes de la aparición de los altos hornos. Y el Parque Natural es n buen ejemplo de paisaje humanizado y de explotación tradicional,
Granja Escuela Xuberoa
a 27 km.
A 10 minutos de Pamplona, un espacio diferente de educación ambiental en el que podréis vivir una experiencia única. Descubriréis nuestra granja a través de nuestras visitas guiadas, os divertiréis con nuestros talleres y conoceréis nuestro entorno.
Playa de la Concha y Peine de los Vientos
a 28 km.
La playa de La Concha, será, posiblemente, la playa más conocida a nivel mundial de todas las de la península, muy cerca de ella, el escultor Eduardo Chillida, diseñó una de sus obras más conocidas, El Peine de los Vientos.
Museo Romano de Oiasso
a 31 km.
El Museo Romano Oiasso de Irún fue nominado al Premio Mejor Museo Europeo del Año 2009. Dispone de tres salas en las que se da cuenta de la época romana y se muestran objetos romanos encontrados en la zona del Bidasoa.
Santuario de Loyola
a 32 km.
El santuario de Loyola es un amplio conjunto de monumentos alrededor de la casa natal de Ignacio de Loyola. Ocupa una amplia extensión y entre los monumentos el que destaca por su relevancia es la basílica.
a 32 km.
Elizondo, localidad principal del valle del Baztan, le sorprenderá por sus numerosas casas señoriales y palacios. Rodeada de un entorno natural idílico, la animación y el bullicio que emanan de Elizondo han convertido a esta localidad en el lugar preferid
a 33 km.
Entre el mar y el monte Jaizkibel, Hondarribia es una ciudad amurallada llena de encantos. Uno puede encontrarse en una situación en la que no pareces estar en la misma ciudad; puesto que cada esquina es totalmente diferente.
Cuevas de Sara
a 35 km.
Sare en francés, Sara en euskera, es una localidad y comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Pirineos Atlánticos, en la región de Aquitania, cerca del mar Cantábrico (San Juan de Luz a 14 km). Pertenece al territorio histórico vascofrancés de Labort
Nacedero del río Urederra
a 35 km.
The spring where the river Urederra is born is of hidden dream on the feet of the walls of the limestone walls of Urbasa, the symbol of the forest from Navarre. It is a truly wonder, and also is a Natural Reserve with waterfalls.
a 36 km.
Pamplona invites you to enjoy leisurely its parks and wander through its old town, it invites to taste its cuisine and its popular snacks, watered with a good wine, enjoy the unique festivals of Spain, the San Fermin
Cuevas de Zugarramurdi
a 37 km.
Magic, fantasy and witchcraft have become Zugaramurdi Cave on one unique tourist settlement t 400 meters from the border town with France in the western Pyrenees of Navarre. There is also a Museum of Witches as supplement.
Rasa Mareal y flysch
a 37 km.
La alternancia de estratos de rocas duras y blandas forman el flysch, un milhojas natural que convierte el litoral entre Zumaia y Deba en objeto de estudio para los geólogos y de admiración para los profanos.
Cascada de Xorroxin
a 39 km.
Awesome nature, a half hidden waterfall through the forest where the sirens used to straighten their hair with golden combs. Singing water, beech, oaks, hazel and chestnut wait for us.

Our situation

Dirección: C/ Elgoien, 29
31880 Leitza, Navarra
GPS: Latitud 43.07792, Longitud -1.91535
Nº de registro UCR01081 - CASA PEUSTENEA Aviso legal Política de privacidad Política de cookies by RuralesData